ellipse art projects,
Actions in favour of artistic creation and intercultural exchanges

Since 2020, our endowment fund
ellipse art projects has supported contemporary artistic creation in all its forms, across borders

Work for the recognition of artists from different cultures, promote their mobility, sensibilize audiences to new artistic practices, nurture bonds between culture and education, health, or the fight against inequalities… By supporting artistic and solidary projects, ellipse art projects aims to turn culture into a reinforcement of social bonds.

Independent and financed solely by private investors, our endowment fund exclusively supports initiatives in the general interest.

The ellipse prize,
in favor of artistic mobility

ellipse art projects launched the ellipse prize in 2021, an itinerant visual art competition dedicated each year to a different artistic scene.

Designed for 18-40 year olds, the prize is open to emerging visual artists in search of professionalisation and visibility. The winners benefit from a bespoke professional support and an exhibition in France.

Connectons-nous. Ensemble, réalisons vos projets !

Nous sommes ravis d'établir le contact avec vous ! Que ce soit pour discuter d'un projet, obtenir des informations supplémentaires ou partager vos idées, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.